Aayush Raje Choudhary

The total distance between Solapur to Satara is 221 km by road with an aerial distance of 197kms. There are no direct flights or buses between Solapur to Satara.

The cheapest way to reach Satara from Solapur is to take HUTATMA EXPRESS (12158) from Solapur to Pune then, take KOYNA EXPRESS (11029).

The convenient and fastest way to reach Satara from Solapur is to rent a cab.

The total fare of HUTATMA EXPRESS (12158) from Solapur to Pune is INR 166/- and the departure time of the train is 06:30 AM.

The total fare of KOYNA EXPRESS (11029) from Pune to Satara is INR 146/- and the departure time of the train is 12:45 PM.


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    Aayush Raje Choudhary
    4 years ago

    Mostly Jalori pass opens in the month of March & most probably you may complete this circuit of Shimla to Kinnaur valley followed by Jalori Pass & Tirthan Valley. 

    The suggested itinerary is listed below-:

    Day 01-: Shimla - Kalpa

    Day 02-: Kalpa sightseeing - Sangla 

    Day 03-: Sangla - Chitkul - Sangla

    Day 04-: Sangla - Sarahan

    Day 05-: Sarahan - Jalori Pass - Jibhi - Tirthan Valley

    Day 06-: Tirthan Valley

    Day 07-: Tirthan Valley - Shimla/ Chandigarh/ Delhi departure

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